Make an extra opportunity this week

Make an extra opportunity this week

Growing your business cannot rely on the market.

Don’t wait for leads to come to you. Yes you probably have a busy week planned and have a schedule of who you are going to call, and see, to ask for business. Yes there are calls you will be making in the normal conduct of the business you are completing, but they don’t count if you are looking to grow your business.

Look at what you have planned this week for contacting people to ask for leads and new business. There is just time to list, market, sell and get paid for Christmas. This week add 20% extra to your prospecting and have an even better Christmas.

e.g. Make 5 hours into a plan to do 6 hours. Any less than that and you are relying on the market to grow your business.

Quote for the week:
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.
Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)

My next 2 1/2 hour seminars with myself and Michael Boulgaris are in Auckland - 2pm Wed Dec 6th @ Sky City ($20 door fee – gst receipt given at door), and
Whangarei - 2pm Thursday Dec 7th @ Forum North.

These are confirmed dates and venues – if you have already registered for earlier dates and venues, unless we hear from you we will assume you are still coming.
Register now on-line @

Keep those registrations coming in – over 2000 salespeople in New Zealand have so far attended these seminars.


Well %FIELD:1% have an awesome week....Have fun and make money

Salescoach Presents FREE Seminars with

Ian Keightley and Michael Boulgaris

NB: Sorry everybody but because of venue costs Auckland will have a $20 door charge.

2 1/2 hours of practical and informative ideas to use right away to grow your business.

Go to and register today.

We have had awesome feedback and great crowds at every venue. Christchurch was spectacular with 500 attending...




- one session only -

Wednesday Dec 6th
Sky City Convention Centre

2.00- 4.30PM


Thursday Dec 7th
Forum North

10.00AM – 12.30PM

Book on-line at

Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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