Favourites are best


Hi [name] and welcome to your Weekly Sales Tip for [date]

 If it's your favourite - do it more!

Often we are challenged to adopt new ideas and try new tactics. Well I met Bil la few weeks ago and he was stuck. He and his manager were looking at new ideas to help Bill make more sales and get more listings.

Bill had a feeling he was stuck - his business was stagnant - he kept trying new things. He was always looking for the golden bullet. His boss was putting all these new ideas in front of him. Bill kept trying and simply got more stressed. Many of the things he was trying involved looking in places he hadn't been, talking to people he hadn't met. 

It didn't work for Bill. The problem was that Bill's business until now had been based on repeat and referral business but upon examination Bill had tried to expand by looking elsewhere and stopped managing the contacts he already had. He had stopped receiving leads. It was time to go back to his favourites. Do the productive things he loved, talking to the people he was comfortable with.

Bill agreed. He used to love talking to his old contacts - his favourites. He loved the social contact, the asking for leads, the referrals. 

Within days he had referrals. They were pleased to hear from Bill. His business is back on track.

Is there an activity, are there some contacts that are your favourites? Maybe it's time to go back and do what you love best, talk to those who already prefer you? Try it, it's the easiest thing you can do!

Favourites are best if only we do more of them.

    Quote for the week

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going"

Beverly Sills (1929 - )

PS. I have had a postponment for next week (delayed a month) and as a result I have 2 days spare in the lower North Island. If you are interested in a training session to make sure you and your team are focused and making progress in the new market, call me on 09 524 0302. Save on travel costs as well as growing production.  

Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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