Hello [name] and welcome to your Weekly Sales Tip from Ian Keightley @ Salescoach for [date]
Out of Adversity comes Strength
I am sure we have all been touched this week by the tragedy which has struck those young people and their families from Elim school. What is touching is the strength, courage and positive attitude which has been shown by their families and the community within this school, even though it is a time of sadness and grief. They appear to be focusing on remembering and celebrating the lives of these young people who appeared to have a passion for life. As one parent put it " They wanted to jump in puddles".
It is easy at times to become bogged down with what I refer to as the "Woe is me mentality". Sure the market is different and we require a different set of skills to succeed and ensure the transaction is completed, and more importantly completed with integrity.
This week stand tall, put your shoulders back and have a positive attitude as you head to the office. Take the fine example of people in far greater adversity and take a good look at your position. See the good in what you have and what oportunities are in front of you. Don't allow others who are complaining about a lack of sales, or a lack of financial freedom to pull you into their negative vibrational zone. People still need to sell houses, people still need to buy houses and Banks are still willing to extend loans.Take time to smell the roses and consider all that is wonderful in your life and with that attitude you will attract those clients who require your expertise. Your energy and enthusiasm will shine through and you will indeed have a more successful week. Carry those feelings through to the next week and the next, and so on and you are well on your way then to shining in this more challenging market.
"Take the first step in faith. You don't
have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step."
Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr
In a market like this it's time to upskill and be on the ball.
If you have never done my 3 Day Real Estate Performance Academy this could be the year to make that investment. This is the 4th time in may real estate career that we have experienced a dramatic drop in activity and the edge has come off values. This course has been adjusted to provide real success tool sfor this market. It is in Auckland July 21-23 and includes my huge 500 page manual (2nd edition). Register on-line @ www.salescoach.co.nz
Have fun, make friends and money
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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