Hi [name] and welcome to your Weekly Sales Tip from Ian Keightley @ Salescoach for [date]
Striving for Gold takes determination;
Several months ago I was fortunate enough to witness the Evers Swindell twins taking part in a training session. As I watched from the shores of the lake I was impressed with the focus which was being displayed by these two athletes. There appeared to be a strong mental attitude and a determination to get every facet of their sport absolutely right. They had learnt their craft and having taken on board those skills they were practising and practising until they had a superb routine. I left thinking to myself "those girls are reaching for the stars".
So it was with great interest that I watched the Womens double skulls finals. They had that same determination and focus I had witnessed months prior, however this time there was more urgency. This was their time. They were there to win and row the race of their lives. They never faltered. They pulled out of their tool box the skill set they had honed over many years of hard work and diligence. Not only did they have a strong desire to win, but they expected nothing less of themselves. Up until the end they focused and won by a mere one hundreth of a second. They had dug deep within themselves to pull out that extra bit of strength to ensure a win. Their training had paid off. The looks on their faces as they received their gold medals was evidence of the pride they felt.
What are you doing to make sure you have the winning edge? We all need to practice and upskill. I regularly attend sessions and Personal Development seminars to reach a higher level of skill and mental strength. This gives me the skills to build and grow my business which in turn helps my clients. I spend up to an hour every Sunday evening planning my week and making a list of the tasks and calls I need to complete in order to ensure my week is stress free and my head is clear.
This week take the time to plan and do dollar productive actions to grow your business. Do you need to learn new skills to give yourself that winning edge so you too can give golden service to your clients? Coming second in that listing presentation or failing to close that deal is, ONLY participation, not winning, and of course it does nothing for your future business. Make a list of things you could do to move up the ladder of success. Perhaps being number one in your group is more important than the remuneration. If that is the case set that as your goal and have a plan to make it happen. Of course the increased income and recognition will also follow.
Quote for the Week :
"Stubbornness is also determination. It's simply a matter of shifting "won't power" to "will power".
Peter McWilliams
We still have places available for my 2 Hours for $20 sessions being presented TOMORROW & WEDNESDAY:
Be sure to bring along business cards so you can be in the draw for our door prize.
Wellington - TOMORROW - Tuesday 19th August 10am - 12.30pm
Christchurch - Wednesday 20th August - 10am - 12.30pm.
and then next week in;
Rotorua - Wednesday 27th August - 10am - 12.30pm
This is a great value session - just what's needed to add ideas and dialogues to your Salesbox in this market.
Book on-line today. IT'S NOT TOO LATE
The launch of 2 new Audio Cd sets - both 2 Cd's at only $40 each has been a real success and we have sold out three times already. New stock is in today so get yours now. This has been the most demanded product we have ever released. It contains awesome material to help you WIN in this market. Get yours now.
Set 1 - Strategies and Dialogues for Tougher Markets
Set 2 - Listing Power at Full Fee and with Vendor Marketing.
Order yours today at http://www.salescoach.co.nz and we will forward it freight free in NZ. Every office should have this set.
We have also put these 2 sets on the market with the 2nd Edition Real Estate Performance Academy Manual for a total of $335. Great value.
After many requests we have agreed to do a final 3 day Real Estate Academy for 2008 in Rotorua, in October on 22nd, 23rd and 24th, at Heritage Hotel, Whakarewarewa. You can book on line or contcat us direct.
Well [name] - have a truly awesome week - list and sell well. Your focus, your skill and your determination are a winning combination that you have at your finger tips. Play a full hand this week.
Have fun, make money and friends
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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