Ideas are your best currency

 ©Copyright 2009 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.

Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday  20th  April  2009

A good idea only works when acted on.

This is an exciting market. It's full of challenges and when you get it right there is plenty of business. It's in these times that we all look for ideas and new strategies we can implement. An ideas fest is a great idea but has no value without action.

What's the best idea you have heard in the last month to help your business?

How many ideas have you had that you haven't done because you:

1. Don't think it will work,

2. Don't think you need to,

3. Don't know how,

4. Don't think you can afford it, or

5. You are afraid to make the commitment?

Why not reconsider and ask yourself:

What will I do this week to make that next sale?

To get that next listing?

To increase your market profile?

To sell those old listings?

To close on those buyers?

For your next newsletter?

Take one of those ideas and:

DECIDE to do it!

COMMIT to doing it!

PLAN to do it. Put the times to action this in your diary NOW

It is only by converting ideas into actions that we can make a difference.

This week plan to make YOUR difference. The key to making this work is to make an idea an action. Plan to do that this week on 1, 2 or 3 things. 

  Quote for the Week

Get more Listings with stronger Prospecting.

Check the new video at

For $25 a month keep on track, have fresh ideas every week.

For more details call me direct and we'll send you more information. Check out more details at

2 Day Advanced Course NEXT WEEK - Not too late to register 

April 28 and 29, in Auckland, my 2 Day Advanced Course for those who have the skills and experience and want to move to the next level. Not for Rookies. 

More details at or call me on 021 968 108

Have an awesome week [name]. Ask yourself each morning, "What am I doing TODAY to grow my business, to make a sale, to get a new listing?"

Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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