Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 29th June 2009.
Excellence is awesome - perfection is too slow.
I was listening to a couple of salespeople last week criticising a colleague. Apart from wasting their energy they were missing an imortant principle. Perfection is unrealistic every time, perfection takes too long to achieve, perfection is the target of the critics.
Excellence is VERY acceptable. Yes we all love to get it right every time, to achieve 100%. This not only shuts the critics up, but it makes one proud and successful. I learnt some years ago its better to be successful by giving it a go and scoring 90%, versus being a spectator who only thinks perfection is acceptable, but who takes no action to even be excellent. Achievement means taking a risk and no-one is insulated from making a mistake here and there. Those seeking perfection are often too late to participate. This week get into action, take a few risks and just keep getting back up if it doesn't work straight away. Let the critics criticise and observe. One day they will learn that participation, to the best of their ability, is where success awaits them.
Quote for the Week
Results keep coming in from Prospecting Power Subscribers.
In this tough listing market it is crucial to have a Propsecting Regime - something that markets you, makes you top of mind, keeps you consistent, brings you creative ideas that save you time.
Visit www.salescoach.co.nz and view a short video to see some simple solutions to getting you in the market and keeping you focused and consistent.
Call me for more information on 021 968 108 or ask for samples by
e-mailing me: ian@salescoach.co.nz
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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