©Copyright 2009 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.
Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 6th July 2009.
Between the showers.
Over recent weeks and days I talk with people whose business is on hold because of the weather. It has been cold and as I write this another heavy shower skuds across Auckland. Yes this is currently a wet and cold winter and it can put you off getting out there to do your prospecting. Let's hope the weather isn't in your way as this is a market where you have to be very present and using the weather can have you very quickly "not present".
Just this morning at breakfast I watched a Blackbird. It was pecking through the garden with urgency as I guess it knew the next shower was coming. When the rain came it perched in the tree to take shelter AND THE INSTANT the rain stopped, back to the garden it flew to resume pecking and feeding. It didn't take the day off or postpone its feeding. It just took action the moment the next opportunity appeared. Hunger maybe a powerful motivator for the Blackbird. What's your powerful motivator for this week? So this showery week make sure you take your moments too - be ready to take action in every clear break.
Quote for the Week
In this challenging listing market it is crucial to have a Prospecting Regime - something that markets you, makes you top of mind, keeps you consistent, brings you creative ideas that save you time.
Visit www.salescoach.co.nz and view a short video to see some simple solutions to getting you in the market and keeping you focused and consistent.
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Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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