The bike still needs pedalling

©Copyright 2009 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.

Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 2nd November, 2009.

The bike still needs pedalling

It is some weeks now since I became more present in the real estate market listing and selling as well as my training.

I have found it is like riding a bike but there are some changes:

The bike has gone from 10 speed to 21 speed.

There is a computer on the handlebars

The steel is now kevlar fibre

I need designer gloves

I need designer clothing

The seat is harder

The good news is I understand the basics. It needs steering, I need to give it momentum by pedalling and I need to maintain balance.

The lessson is that despite all the add-ons, the toys, the fashion of the moment, they are only any use if the basics are under control. Success is on managing the basics superbly. Failure is hoping the new toys will win it on their own. The new toys can only provide an edge on the basics.

Get your basics right and know the add ons will be of value.     

 Quote for the Week

"God comforts the disturbed and disturbs the uncomfortable"


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Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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