Be a Brave Messenger

©Copyright 2010 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.

Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 18th October 2010  

Be a Brave Messenger!

I was pleased to hear back from a great client Angela last week with a real success story and she is happy for me to share it with you

I have known Angela for many years and every few months we have a couple of coaching sessions to make sure she is on track and has "Good Thinking" in her head.

Like many, Angela was finding it harder to achieve her goals and had moments of; "Is this all worth it? Surely it will get better, Nothing is selling, this is a  waste of time," etc. Dwelling on this "thinking" was simply making things worse.

We took Angela back to some simple questions:

How many listings have you got?


What's the longest/oldest listing?

8 months.

Why have you still got it? (Smart answer: "Cos its not sold!)

How many are saleable/motivated/are listening?

mmmmmm. Not sure. They don't want to hear any bad news. They don't want to take a loss.

This translates to: "You don't want to be the messenger!"  

Angela suddenly understood it was HER JOB to be the messenger!

We listed each listing on a sheet of paper, discussed the sellers problem, researched the numbers, prepared a short report, assessed how we open the discussion in each case, REHEARSED the dialogues, assessed the objections and rehearsed again. Angela suddenly saw how she could SELL 6 of them.

In 5 weeks Angela has sold 3 of them. From zero to hero by being a Brave Messenger and 3 to go.

Now like many of you she needs new listings. With this new fuel in her tank I am confident Angela will get them too. And one reason to support that; "Angela BELIEVES she will sell them!"   

           Quote for the Week

      "Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice"

WilliamJennings Bryan (1860-1925)

 Have an awesome week.

Last 3 days at this price. Offer ends midnight Wednesday

$10 for 10 Minutes -MP3 audio downloads. Will be $29 each from Thursday! 

Don't be fooled by brevity and the bargain price. This is a clear case of Less is more!

Only $10 each and you can download a fun, practical, effective and empowering audio file and copy to a CD and play on your way to your next Listing Presentation. Only 10 minutes long each so great value @ $1 per minute.

2 downloads available @ only $10 each until midnight Wednesday.

Listing Essentials - go into your next presentation with more confidence.

Marketing Essentials - collect more marketing contributions based on commonsense and Principles. Buy on-line today at and visit the AUDIO section.

Go to for Prospecting and Audio Solutions for your business

Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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