Be in each moment

©Copyright 2010 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.

Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Tuesday 26th October 2010  

Be in each moment!

What an awesome weekend. An awesome three day weekend and the weather added that extra boost. It's great as you can now fit 5 days work into a four day week. 

Funny how that works. I often see more achieved in a 4 day week than in a normal 5 day week

Is it that we are more rested and ready to go to work on Tuesday?

Or is it more likely that we know we have 4 days so we are more focused and conscious of the need to fit it all in?

So is there a lesson?

Obviously we can be more productive!

Imagine what could be achieved if this pace was every week in a 5 day week.

So this week make a conscious effort to make each moment count and to embrace the moment.

When at work, do the work, when at home be at home.

When talking with a client, a partner, a colleague, a friend, a child, be present in the conversation.

When reading a book, be in the book! 

When eating dinner, be at the table.

Embrace the moment and watch the smiles come.


           Quote for the Week

      "Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today.

Inhabit your moments. Don't rent them out tomorrow"

Terry Spinelli (b 1941)


 Have an awesome week.


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