©Copyright 2012 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.
Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 16th January 2012
Quote for the week
"The best axe still needs sharpening, the fastest today car always needs fuel and tomorrow is second. Today's best is only a benchmark to exceed - tis the way we are. What others see as impossible is always possible to those who dare."
Welcome to 2012 and we hope all your aspirations goals and desires for 2012 come your way.
We often see messages about starting a New Year, doing a new Business Plan, Making Changes and setting new standards.
I would like to suggest you look at it another way which for many of you may not be so daunting. You see, we already have resposibilities - family - health - relationships - business - marketing - sales - clients etc. We already have a level of success or performance.
Our work environment may have changed though.
New competition, new strategies, new technology, market activity, new colleagues, new office, new regulations, new office leadership, new criteria etc.
If you are performing well or almost there, your next move is quite possibly only a question of ADAPTING what you already do to maintain your edge, as the environment is always changing. So what can you adapt?
Hours of Work?
Increased Marketing from Clients?
Better Prospecting?
More Auctions?
One idea the Top Performer has that works well.
Personal Image.
No matter how good we are there are changes taking place DESPITE us. We need to adapt to maintain our edge! What are your adapting in 2012?
Have a TRULY AWESOME WEEK.Last week I offered some Crazy $20 deals and thank you to all those who secured one or more of those on the days they were offered. They are no longer available individually, BUT UNTIL 9 PM TONIGHT you can secure all 5, including a FREE BONUS of 2 Hours 1:1 with me for only $100. Yes 2 hours 1:1 is included. The deal is worth it just for this alone.
So what were the deals?
1. My 500+ page manual as pdf download.
2. 12 DLE Marketing Cards and January 2012 Newsletter.
3. Secrets of Vendor Funding.
4. Selling Stuck Listings.
5. Win those Listings PLUS 2 Hours 1:1
These last 3 are brief reports with Essential Strategies and Dialogues and each has a bonus Audio file. All come as downloads. Available at www.salescoach.co.nz and click on Register for Courses. This offer definitely ends at 9pm tonight.
Want order by on-line banking? Simply e-mail me telling me you have paid $100 to 06 0193 0227980 00 on 16th January 2012 and you qualify for the crazy deals.
Looking for Prospecting and Listing Listings ideas?
Check out the videos at www.salescoach.co.nz
Salescoach and Ian Keightley provide this information FREE. I have no control over how you interpret, change, adapt or use any of these ideas. As a Licensee under REAA or in any other trade, you are solely responsible for the use of any of the ideas and strategies we share with you.
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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