Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 13th May 2013
Quote for the week:
"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."
Henry Ford
We are often reminded to collect client/customer feedback and testimonials to use in our marketing.
After all reputation, referrals and word of mouth commendations create the easiest business to secure.
So I thought I would share one I received today from a one of the great licensees who attended my two day LISTING course last week:
" A big thank you for a great couple of days.
I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. It felt like a week. No it didn’t drag on!
I learnt so much in such a short space of time.
I have a short attention span but if something excites and engages me I have intimate focus.
You gained my intimate focus all day for two solid days! Very impressed.
Your style IS engaging and keeps you on your toes. Isn’t that what Real Estate is all about? I cannot wait to approach my next listing and apply your techniques and diagrams.
To cap it off I drive home last night with my eyes dilated. I woke up like a starry eyed rabbit at 6:00am this morning full of enthusiasm and raw energy. Why…?
Quite simply I feel empowered and enlightened. I now possess a spring board to leap frog to levels above and beyond.
Big words; I’m being sincere. Thanks again.
I give you permission to publish that. Put my name at the end of it too if you like."
I got a real buzz receiving and reading James words. It feels good to receive awesome feedback.
So, take time this week to review your Testimonials and get that feel good factor. Ask your clients/customers for more testimonials. Take this extra energy into your work!
It works!
Have a truly awesome week being the best you can!
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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