Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 9th February 2015
Quote for the week:
"A single minded focus on what's essential this week, what's important and urgent this week, makes it a great week!"
Ian Keightley
Like many of you I have lots going on. Since I announced that the end of March is the end of my endless speaking/conference/coaching/training/auctioneering I have been inundated with requests and bookings.
That's truly fabulous! THANK YOU! My national tour in March is getting a great response though Invercargill and Dunedin need to start saying YES!
It's funny how you get into a routine and start doing things in the same way each week.
But it's different now! New DVD is done (and its great) new audios need editing and my manual needs a major update. So this week that is the focus.
That's what is important!
That's what WILL get done! And I have gone back to tried and true.
IT'S IN WRITING. It's simple! It is spelt out. They are prioritized!
That's this week. That's what is important!
So my focus is on what's really important this week and it WILL work!
So what's important to you this week. Make the list and prioritize the tasks. Then work your list and watch miracles happen this week.
Two days February 17th and 18th Venue: Quality Hotel Parnell
9.30am - 3.30pm both days Both days: $169 incuding GST and workbook. (Tea/coffee/lunch supplied).
Two days February 19th and March 19th Venue TBC
9.30am - 3.30pm both days Both days: $169 incuding GST and workbook. (Tea/coffee/lunch supplied).
Book now and know you have 2015 sorted. Don't leave it any later. at http://www.salescoach.co.nz/sales_coach/category/Register%20for%20Courses/4/
Two days with Ian enhancing and developing your Auction skills and compliance. For newbies and those more experienced who feel a need to hone their skills and compliance. Feb 24 & 25. $895. Venue: Quality Hotel, Parnell.
Yes 3 hours of Ian's latest, most effective and wisest tips gathered from his vast experience in real estate.
See the very latest tools in protecting your fee, marketing investment and winning those listings. These sessions run 10.00am – 1.00pm and are packed with effective, easy to use tips on how to grow your real estate business right now. No Overseas speakers, no gimmicks, no ideas that don't work in NZ. Just good effective commonsense and motivation.
It all happens in March in many venues. 10.00am - 1.00pm and only $49 each incl GST
Venues and dates:
Book now and know you have a seat and 3 hours Non Verifiable Training. at http://www.salescoach.co.nz/sales_coach/category/Register%20for%20Courses/4/
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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