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Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 9th March 2015

Quote for the week:

"The very best realtors understand the business is a MARKETING business!" 

Ian Keightley


Last week I had the chance to spend time with some clients we have worked with for many years.
Yes this is the 16th year I have been on the road speaking/training/coaching and it has been great to catch up with some truly remarkable realtors.
One moment last week, brought back some moments of truth, that really stand out and have helped those realtors who embraced it, to stand out too. And stand out they do!
About 15 years ago we were talking about how to make a difference, how to stand out as an individual. I was reminded of this moment by a long-term client and top realtor:
 "You told me I was a marketer. I have never forgotten, never ceased to be a marketer and it has made the biggest impact on my success. I have never waited for my boss to market me. I made me boss of my business and I marketed me. Thank you!"
Back then big brand power tended to dominate individual brand power as franchising reached its peak and controlled brand use. Now you will see around you those realtors who decided they weren't just salespeople - they were in business! Even within some franchises you will see franchisees whose own brand has moved faster than the franchisor. 
These realtors have invested in their own businesses - they don't do "cheap', they don't do untidy scruffy signs, they invest in profile, personal video, their wardrobe, their grooming, their skills, their dialogues and they brand themselves, their signage is awesome, their prospecting is regular, colour, top quality and in every element they use a top quality photograph of themselves that is indeed their brand.
Success comes in many forms and now when we do business plans the "Marketing Strategy" is a key element. In fact, it's the biggest investment! 
So what's your marketing plan?
What are you investing in your business?
My most successful clients are proud to be realtors and are unafraid to say so!
Have a truly awesome week because you make it so.


Yes 3 hours of Ian's latest, most effective and wisest tips gathered from his vast experience in real estate.

See the very latest tools in protecting your fee, marketing investment and winning those listings. These sessions run 10.00am – 1.00pm and are packed with effective, easy to use tips on how to grow your real estate business right now. No Overseas speakers, no gimmicks, no ideas that don't work in NZ. Just good effective commonsense and motivation.

It all happens in March in many venues. 10.00am - 1.00pm and only $49 each incl GST

Venues and dates:

    1. Tomorrow - March 10  Invercargill - Ascot Hotel
    2. Wednesday - March 11  Dunedin - Mercure Liesure Lodge
    3. THURSDAY - March 12  Christchurch - Elevate Bar & cafe. May need a second session at 2.00pm as this session is nearly full.
    4. March 16  Gisborne
    5. March 18  Wellington
    6. March 24  Rotorua
    7. March 25  Auckland - Alexandra Park
    8. March 26  Whangarei - Forum North

Book now and know you have a seat and 3 hours Non Verifiable Training. at

Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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