Salescoach - With 25 years in the real estate industry, provides a range of specialist services to help you make more sales.


By Ian Keightley AREINZ
Salescoach Ltd

Today’s market has impacted on many business owners, not only in terms of revenue and profitability, but in the numbers of salespeople they are able to retain.

This decline in revenue generators has placed a real focus on recruitment as business owners seek to keep their team numbers up. The good markets of the mid-nineties saw offices with high fixed costs and large team numbers become the norm. Team numbers are reducing and the business owners try to trim costs, increase individual productivity and recruit.

This situation places a real focus on the need to maximize the potential of any new recruits you are able to bring into your business. We are not here to discus recruitment (maybe a later article) but to explore the need for good induction programmes and the high cost of failing to do this properly.

THE PURPOSE OF INDUCTION is to get new staff productive as soon as possible and to reduce staff turnover

You need to pass on essential information.
You need to develop realistic expectations and reduce uncertainty
You want to reduce staff turnover
This will save you time, money and anxiety.


High staff turnover
People leave because they don’t succeed
Top people leave because the manager spends too much time with the low producers
Low office morale as failure culture develops
More stress
Increased recruitment costs
Lower standards
Lack of quality control
Business can’t compete in the new era of high service, knowledge and skill.
Higher exposure to liability and Indemnity claims
Once you have succeeded in recruiting a new team member, you need to set in place a programme of 4 Elements:


Set aside at least 2 hours per week to meet, coach and counsel your new recruit. This is the time to set in place the success habits:

Preparation, Prospecting, Training, Accountability, Activity.

A typical Pre-Start Programme might look like this:


1. Fill out Personal Profile
2. Meet with Manager and discuss goals
3. Take home Business Plan & discuss with partner
4. Take home Listing video and watch
5. Read Company Policy
6. Start Client Database Builder – 50 names & addresses


1. Meet with Manager and discuss Business Plan
2. Discuss Video
3. Review 50 names
4. Receive Sales Persons Manual and read Prospecting Section
5. Watch Manager do listing Presentation
6. Take home Listing Presentation Video
7. Add 25 more names to Client Base
8. Fill out listing agreement on your own house
Check that all arrangements for start date are in place.


1. Meet with Manager and review homework.
2. Review Manual – Section – Listing Presentation
3. Review Database
4. Discuss Company Policy re standards, attendance, meetings
5. Check your Listing Agreement
6. Take home video on Open Homes
7. Prepare contract of sale on your house
8. Add 25 names and addresses to database
9. Draft Letter 1 to go to Database – see Quickstart
10. Discuss Open Homes & Qualifying Buyers


1. Review Contract of Sale
2. Review Video
3. Watch Manager do another Listing Presentation
4. Discuss Showing a House
5. Take Home Video on Closing the Sale
6. Take home Video on Telephone Techniques
7. Set Plan for Week 1
8. Review Letter1
9. Continue to study Sales Manual
10. Add 25 more names to Database

Go to week 1 of 30 day Quickstart


This is best set out in a Personnel Folder, which you should establish for each team member. In this folder keep the following checklist to ensure all the vital items are covered. Keep a record too of all the 1:1 discussions and training sessions so you have a point of reference to develop accountability in the new recruit.

A typical checklist might look like this:


Letter of Appointment
Contract of Engagement
Contract of Employment
REINZ Course
Forms 11 &11a
Certificate received
Start Up Fee Received

Personal File established
Photos taken
Cards Ordered
Name Badge
Office key – office security
Mobile Number
After hours Number
Answering Service Notified
Reception Advised
IRD No. obtained
Details in Company Directory
Corporate Jacket
Car Insurance
Desk & Chair organized
Telephone Extension
Car Parking
Lock Box/Key System
In – Out Board
Hammer / Stapler
Computer System
Telephone System
e-mail address
web page established
photocopier PIN number
Fuel Card
Fuel Card Deposit
Conference Club


Allocate BDA (farm)
Flag and Flag Pole
Sign Overlays
Listing Kit
Pre-Listing Kit/Portfolio
Directional Arrows
Marketing Deposit


Company Policy
Our Do’s & Don’ts
Meeting times
One-on-one Schedule
Hours of attendance
Duty Roster
Open Hours
Pay Days
Vendor Marketing Contribution
New Sales Persons Course ( Corporate)
Induction Programme completed
Social Club


On day 1 your first appointment is with your new team member. By following the Pre-Start list you will have created some Activity expectations so they will be ready for the tasks you have set for week 1. A typical programme could look like this:

Attended New Salespersons Course


Meet with Manager and check PLAN FOR WEEK
Meet with Manager Daily
Computer System Training
Office Resources and Stationery
Send letter 1
View Listings
2 X training sessions from Manual with Manager
Present Listing Presentation to Manager
Draft letter 2
List 25 more names and addresses for Database
Plan week 2
Continue reading Manuals and watching Videos


Continue to meet with Manager daily
Phone 10 Client base contacts per day
Give out 5 Business Cards per day
Meet 2 client base face to face per day
Under manager’s guidance start phoning Expired and Withdrawn Listings. Learn Scripts first.
Continue to view stock
Seek first Appraisal – take Manager
Tour farm and identify all current listings
List 25 more names and add to Database
2 x training sessions with Manager
Plan week 3


Continue to met with Manager daily
Check and mail letter 2
Continue phoning Database @ 10 a day
Give out 5 business cards a day
Meet 2 client base people per day face to face
Continue visiting stock
Continue phoning expireds and withdrawns
With Manager visit 10 Listings in your farm area and diary for follow-up
Seek Open Home Opportunity
Box drop farm
Plan week 4


Continue to meet daily with Manager
Continue to
give out 5 business cards a day
make 10 phone calls a day
meet 2 face to face per day
You’ve now seen all existing stock
Seek Appraisals / Listing appointments – take Manager
Follow-up any buyers you have
Write letter 3 for mailing week 5
Draft next Farm drop for week 5
Review & List what you are not comfortable with
Vendor Funding
Diary time with Manager to cover the above
Plan week 5 and set up weekly accountability programme


Personally, I would continue this level of management for 90 days. Perhaps I might start meeting formally every 2 days, then go out to every 3 days once I could see the recruit was engaging in the dollar productive tasks we had set. Unless you have a well-disciplined, self-focused and productive recruit, do not let the accountability meetings go further than three days apart.

To track the recruits activity and progress I recommend you use an Accountability Tracker such as this.

(Insert attached Excel sheet)

Get the new recruit into the habit of tracking inputs and establish good prospecting and self-management habits a this early stage. The long-term benefits of investing in this programme will show on your bottom line. Only by taking the time to establish the habits now will you know that you have given your new recruit every chance to succeed and become a valuable productive unit with your team.


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Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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