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Use the coming holidays to Plan to make 2003 a great year

We all know that the summer holidays are coming and for a few of us that means busy times - those operating businesses in the summer resorts are in for peak times. But for the majority it means a break - time with family and friends - time to rest and re-fresh.

And there is no better time to start thinking about New Year resolutions, then get real and make goals and Business Plans for 2003.

This is the time to reflect on your achievements in 2002 and to spend time (with partners and family) planning for the achievements you want to tick off in 2003. For both Salespeople and Business Owners/Managers there are some simple and obvious questions to ask as you plan for future success.

For all of us we need to ask 1 very important question:
"How much of my results and success, for 2002 was due to the market? "

The second question to ask is:
"What is it that I want to complete or achieve in 2003 that I have set my heart on?"

And the third question is:
"What will I do better or different in 2003 to make sure I achieve that?"

Obviously there are different issues for both Salespeople and Owner/Managers, but some issues are common. For all of us there are some elements that we share and let's take a look at those first. Sure there is bound to be a financial target but I firmly believe that has to be driven by issues that reflect other ambitions in our lives. Let's plan on the basis that this business is just about funding your life - and once we know the life you would like, we can assess the money required to fund it.

So before you decide on the level of income let's list some of the things you would like to achieve and then fund:

Career and Business:
What role are you fulfilling in 3 or 5 years?
Future roles and the qualifications required?
Is there a course you need to enrol in?
Owning your own business or taking a more senior role Is there an additional business to acquire or open?
Are you happy with your ranking in the organization or sales team?
How about being in the top 5 in your office? Top 10 or 20 for your group nationally?
Top office in your group nationally? Imagine how you would feel if yours was the most efficient business in your group and you had a queue of people wanting to work for you? How much easier is it to go to work when it is a success? Is there a time you want to say to your partner, money is no longer an issue. Just go buy it?

Family and Relationships

Are there children to fund through school and tertiary education?
Are there children to spend more time with?
Is there a holiday that would delight you all?
Is there a partner that needs more time or a special treat?
Is there a special birthday or anniversary that is worth celebrating in a special way during the next year?
Is there someone you need to make more time and space for?
Is there something you need to do for parents, grandparents, brothers/sisters etc?

Friends and Neighbours
Is there someone you need to do a favour for or repay a favour to?
Is there someone you need to celebrate with?
Can you offer someone help, but you've never made time?

Health and Fitness
Are there some issues for you here?
Weight, body fat, diet, first marathon, new sport, golf handicap, squash tournament, gym to join, increase exercise times per week, learn to sail, take that kids team etc. Making time for you is an issue you may need to make TIME FOR.

You as a person
Are there some things you would like to change in your life right now? Imagine if you could achieve anything. Write down 3 things you would like to do that you have never set your sights on. Are there some things you know you should be doing but aren't? How about committing to doing them? Imagine something you have dreamt about - now put a plan in place to make it happen.

Dreams are Okay too
Dare to dream of something really outrageous.
Maybe you have been putting something aside? Owning your own business, getting a PA, watching the sunrise on Mt Kilimanjaro, getting married on a beach in Fiji, watching the space shuttle launch, riding an elephant in Thailand, taking the kids to Disneyland, surfing in Hawaii, dining at the Ritz in Paris, buying an investment property, having a facelift, changing the car, paying off the mortgage, buying a beach bach/crib, having a romantic weekend, hugging your mum or dad?
Whatever it is, plan to take a chance and make it happen.

So what will you do different or better in 2003?
What's your plan to make it happen?
Once you have worked out what it is you want to do make sure you create the financial surplus necessary to make it happen. For all of us, there is a level of income required to allow us to live the life we are accustomed to. Our goals are achieved when we earn more than this. So how much extra do you need to earn to make these goals a reality?
What are you going to do change to make sure these goals become a reality?

For the Owner /Manager

How many more sales people do I need?
How much do I need to increase production by?
What strategy have I got to improve efficiency and reduce marketing costs?
Where can I expand?
What am I doing to retain and grow my sales team?
How can I make my office a more fun place to be?
How is my leadership?
Am I a great role model to follow?
Who is my mentor?
Who is making me accountable!
What will be my special achievement for 2003?

For the Sales Consultant
How am I going to grow my sales success?
How will I get more listings?
How will I get more profile?
Who can I get to do the stuff whilst I deal with sellers and buyers?
Who is my mentor? Who is making me accountable?
What is my special goal for 2003?

So take a little time and reflect on where you are - take a close look at where you want to be - make a plan and then implement it. Of all the things you do after that, the most important is to share those goals and ask someone to make you accountable. Make 2003 your year - dare to dream big and then do what's necessary to make it all happen.

Have a wonderful Christmas with the special people in your life - dream big and work big. Do what you need to do to make it happen for you and these special people in your life.


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Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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