Tips to grow your Business and hold the precious things
in your life together at the same time
life becomes work they say you lose perspective on why you
are doing the job.
Whilst we need to focus and put lots of energy into our
work there is little point in being rich and lonely or sick.
There is not much use in working hard to die on its completion.
So as we start a new year and set course to increase production
and profit its wise to take stock of the need for
balance in all things we do.
Focus on the habits and activity to be successful and then
provide time and focus for the things that are precious
to us to enjoy the lifestyle we are working to create.
So what can you do this year that is better or different
to make both aspects of your life work and what the
work is for better?
So lets look at five tips for business and five for
the rest of your life the part you work to fund
and fund well!
Tips to Grow your Business:
1. Clarify your goals
and tell someone you trust, about them. Ask this person
to check in on you and see that you are on course. Engage
a coach if you have trouble staying focused. Maybe you need
someone to just check your goals are valid and realistic.
Why resist writing them down when everyone knows that goals
written down arrive much sooner. Place them on a card by
your morning mirror place them on your screen saver
on your computer place count downs in your diary -
30 days until I order my new car, 60 days until my sons
21st birthday etc.
2. Become an expert at something
People love dealing with experts so become an expert at
something. What are you already good at? Now graduate and
become the best in town at that. Once you are an expert
people come to you for advice and refer people to you. The
real benefit of being an expert though is the confidence
it gives you. Competence creates confidence and when you
are an expert you are always comfortable explaining the
benefits and pitfalls in respect of that expertise, especially
in overcoming objections.
3. Model your self on a winner
Winners have some special attributes that we need to study
and emulate. Too often we use envy criticism tall
poppy syndrome to cover our own lack of performance.
The winners you know, have something special. Find out what
it is and make it work for you. It could be: energy, focus,
self-discipline, self -belief, high skill, a plan, a network,
etc. Dont do envy and avoidance just do it
like they do. Write down But I cant then screw up
the paper and put it in the bin. Throw it hard. Get rid
of it. Now write I do!!!!! Not I will, but I do!!!
4. Adopt Technology
Yes people sell and buy off people but technology runs a
more efficient business. Learn keyboard skills and adopt
the tools available that your opposition are using for a
strategic advantage. Digital cameras, virtual tours, internet,
databases, mail-merges, bulk e-mails, CD rom presentations,
video, customized presentations, palm devices, mobile internet
and e-mail, direct line, DVD Presentations, e-mail brochures
and CVs, web sites, colour digital printing
B&W is showing its age now. Resist at your peril
resolve to make it a tool that works for you. Take lessons
get One on One computer tuition if you feel threatened.
5. Read Books and Listen to Tapes
Yes, but I have heard it all before you say. So have you
achieved your goals? Are you ahead of budget? If not, maybe
you need skills assistance and daily inspiration. Yes they
cost money, so show your commitment or borrow them from
your company library. If you cant play them in your
car get up 30 minutes earlier and invest some time in you.
You could get your partner or children to get up too and
you could all listen to them.
Five tips to make the lifestyle you want become a reality:
1. Take time each week for you
Sometimes it pays to just take some special time just for
you. Be it a round of golf, a massage, a trip to the hairdressers
or beauty clinic, a sit on a hill or alone on the beach,
take time each week to reward you and reflect on whats
happened to date and to visualize the next actions and their
rewards. You are allowed time for you you cant
perform all the time. Take a regular day off and be more
focused when at work. Turn off your phone thats
what message services are for. Dont go on holiday
and work via your phone. Give it to someone to manage your
business whilst you have a real holiday.
2. Make regular time for your partner and family
Yes we all mean well and these people are important
special in our lives. So make time to make them special
and share you with them. Make a list of special dates and
put them in your diary with a 7 day and 1 day warning to
remind you. Birthdays, anniversaries, special school dates
etc. Date your partner once a week or month. Spend time
with each child on a one to one basis.
3. Watch your diet, especially lunch
I see too many busy people using sugar, carbohydrates and
caffeine to sustain them through the day. Prepare lunch
in advance and take it with you. Make sure it contains plenty
of protein and avoid those energy drinks some have
over 7 teaspoons of sugar per little can. Eat plenty of
small meals and maintain energy all day, not in sugar and
caffeine bursts. Hard work needs energy and a clear mind
and a balanced diet will do that.
4. Exercise Regularly
There is time if you are serious, so not enough time is
not an excuse really. Its just that we havent
come to terms with the consequences of a lack of exercise
and the increase in weight that follows. Its only
an extra kilo a year you say. Compounding interest is great
in the bank compounding weight is not great anywhere.
So walk, run, take on a challenge and adopt a new sport
a network will evolve as well go to the gym
etc. The energy benefits will help your business and stress
management enormously.
5. Develop a new interest or redevelop something you
have let slip
Too much time on one thing especially work
can make you a dull conversationalist and talking is part
of selling. Not only can another interest be a soother when
under stress by focusing your mind elsewhere, it can give
you something to look forward to each week. A new interest
tackled and conquered reinforces your ability to tackle
the tough moments and models to you the commitments and
self-discipline and self-belief needed in your work times.
So how many of these ideas can you adopt? What will you
do different this year? Sometimes it takes a single action
to change a life. Look for your personal inspiration and
make it a winner for you.
You are in control of the rest of your career and life so
make your decisions wisely if you havent started
yet, pick a start date and make the changes you know you
need to make. Its always easier once you make the
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