Is it time to enhance your Marketing Submission/Listing Presentation?
Salescoach - With 25 years in the real estate industry, provides a range of specialist services to help you make more sales.
it time to enhance your Marketing Submission/Listing Presentation?
the years our listing presentations have evolved. Back in
1982 when I first started using a Listing Pack or Kit, it
comprised of several pages detailing what the then professional
agent did to deserve the listing.
Each item of what is now the basic marketing menu had a
page to itself. Yes we took a whole page top show a sign
board, a page to show a window display and even a page to
show we did open homes. It all looks so amateurish, almost
insulting to our clients, but we had faith and we listed
many an exclusive listing proudly showing pictures of what
all agencies were doing. Since those days we have had a
doubling in the numbers of salespeople, the huge growth
in marketing of property and the huge expansion of Auction
Marketing. Along these elements and increased competition
came the de-regulation of the fee and a variety of approaches,
extolling or criticizing different tactics used in securing
the listing, or indeed a differentiation in the type of
services offered.
This has lead to a lot of work in redesigning and repackaging
listing presentations, each seeking to outdo the other with
a special look or style. Some of the packaging is certainly
impressive but still we see people missing the point by
failing to address the vendors real concerns.
When we talk to vendors we find, that like buyers, they
all tend to have the same few objections or statements.
There are 5 common questions all buyers ask and a similar
number are asked by most vendors;
Will you discount your fee?
Why should I pay for the marketing?
What about my friend at XYZ Realty?
I wont sell unless I get $XXXXXX
Auctions dont work!
XYZ company say they have all the buyers.
XYZ Salesperson already has five listings in this
area they will have more buyers wont they?
Just keep it quiet I dont want the neighbours
to know etc.
How long have you been in real estate?
How many listings does your company have in this
XYZ is cheaper.
I dont like properties that dont have
a price in the advertisement.
I guess you will think of more but this list covers the
most common comments. If we know what these are then we
can design a presentation that addresses these very issues
and learn the strategies to overcome these common objections?
So your presentation should be designed to sell your service
using four simple steps:
Sell you
Sell your brand
Sell the idea of the value of increased marketing
Select the method of sale.
So how do we sell you and your brand?
You should seek to separate this from the actual presentation/submission.
Prepare a simple Pre Listing/Profile document about
you and how you work. This should always be in colour and
precede you to any presentations you make. Knowing what
the vendors objections/questions will be make no reference
to increased marketing contributions, method of sale or
that they may tend to over-price their property. Keep this
simple and use plenty of testimonials. Make sure the testimonial
are kept to a single page and are typed into the presentation.
Do not use photocopies of handwritten letters from clients.
Always have some of these profiles at your open homes to
hand to clients you discover need a visit later as they
like this listing but havent sold theirs yet. This
can be more detailed as your clients wont go through
this with you. If you dont get a chance to use this
first it pays to have it bound into your presentation/submission
but I suggest you put it at the back. Do not force your
clients to review this with you if you are making the actual
presentation. Use it as required.
This document allows you to build profile and professionalism
before you arrive at the property. It provides an opportunity
to elevate you above the competition before you make face
to face contact.
Once you get to make your actual presentation it may pay
to uncover your agenda before proceeding too far. Yes outline
to your new potential vendor the key issues you would like
to cover in your presentation and ask them where they would
like to start.
The key topics will be:
Whats happening in the market?
What might this mean for their property?
I bet they want to talk price!!!!!
How do we find the best buyers?
How do we get the most from these buyers?
The power of marketing
The most appropriate selling strategy for your property
Your vendor deserves to know of all the options available
to them. You will probably find you have competition from
other brands or sales people who will use various tactics
to win the listing.
Lower fees or discounted fee
Free additional marketing (Also a discount)
We have more buyers.
Auctions are bad for you.
Tenders are better.
We dont do open homes
We can get you more.
Each of these strategies is trying to buy the business by
appealing to a prejudice or misunderstanding, when you should
be offering your vendor the strategy to obtain the best
price possible that is after all your fiduciary duty.
So does your presentation limit your vendors choices?
Does your presentation set out to show your vendor that
you are focused on obtaining the best price or is it focused
simply on winning the listing?
Can you provide a credible and logical argument to win the
listing at full fee and with marketing contributions? If
not it could be time to refresh your presentation and learn
to overcome the common vendor challenges. I have found that
vendors respect strong advocates of their product when they
can see it is in their best interest. Anyway, there are
only a few challenges and imagine what you could do if you
could tackle them all
Ian Keightley also now operates Northstar Realty on Aucklands
North Shore as well as speaking and consulting within the
real estate industry.
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