Salescoach - With 25 years in the real estate industry, provides a range of specialist services to help you make more sales.
I travel around the country Im seeing a range of strategies
being implemented that are bringing growth in todays market
Yes there are salespeople and business owners who are not only coping,
but also growing their businesses.
Those growing their business show the following trends:
1 Growing their Database and referral Network
2 Increased the frequency of mail outs
3 Making at least 10 phone calls a day with some doing over 30 a day.
Thats Prospecting calls!!
4. Planning an IDEAL WEEK and sticking to it.
5. Planning a Prospecting Programme up to a Year in advance and investing
in quality material.
6. Running comprehensive Contact Management Systems in PCs or
7. Tracking Buyers how we used to 20 years ago. Some even have a strategy
of 1 a day in their car and 2 on Saturdays.
8. Have learned how to discuss their negative market in
a positive way. Theyve learned scripts to help them
get their clients to understand the opportunities presented by this
market correction.
9. Accepted and learned the skills to help vendors who want to compete
for the best buyers by investing in marketing for their
10. Understand that Vendors need immediate feedback. Its too
late to discuss value after a few weeks of nil activity. By then its
your fault! The best time to give feedback is in weeks 1 and 2 of
a new listing.
Immediately after your colleagues have inspected and immediately after
you sales meeting. Where appropriate the scripts could include: Your
property came up at the meeting and its not as we thought .
Consequently Vendors are receiving more frequent feedback. Its
got to be done before the first offer arrives.
11. Improved Negotiation Skills to cope with the price and offer differentials.
12. Become more disciplined in the use of their day. Real estate offices
can be social environments. The ability to resist the distractions
of non-focused colleagues is a crucial success element.
13. They have stopped making assumptions for their clients.
Client statements such as
Well take no less then and Well
pay no more than ,
are seen as the negotiating positions they are.
Keep negotiating all night if you have to and accept that some deals
will possibly take longer to come together than weve been used
14. Continual Up-skilling. What may have worked a year ago isnt
now good enough. New techniques and strategies are a vital part of
their success.
1. Very clear on their Business Plan
2. Great Recruitment Plan
3. Great Financial Management
4. Buying or Growing Rent Rolls
5. Gaining new skills a Trainers and Coaches
6. In the field doing presentations, listing Auctions and Educating
7. My business has grown because some owners/managers accept they
need some assistance in developing the new skills needed or simply
have access to an independent ideas source.
8. Making sure their salespeople are engaging in increased amounts
of dollar productive activity.
9. Many are using a trusted colleague or businessperson as a mentor
so they receive challenges to their current direction.
The market has taken a lot of the blame this year but there are still
some remarkable successes taking place.
I see too that one of my predictions of adding to the product mix
has been taken up by Bayleys with launch of their Marine Brokerage.
Dont lose sight of the need for a bit of fun in your business
Remember to have a social day with the team every few months.
The best managers are working their people hard but also making sure
that theres a day of social bedlam every now and then. Not only
do you want good work habits, great resources and an element of competition
in the team but you want to balance it with some relaxing social events
September and October have been very busy for me and November has
only 4 spare days left.
Im busy doing;
Business Plans
Auction Training
Vendor Marketing Training
Sales Training
Coaching Owners, Managers and Sales People.
If you want the next calendar year to start with a bang, now is the
time to plan.
I regularly see people wait until January to plan and February and
March to launch. They dont se the benefits until April/May when
over one third of the year has passed.
So Plan now for your growth in 2001.
If I can help in any way with any of the above dont hesitate
to call. Im always happy to discuss any of the above thoughts
without any obligation.
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