Salescoach - With 25 years in the real estate industry, provides a range of specialist services to help you make more sales.


We are often told they are the same thing.
I’m finding in the current market place that need not be the case.

There is in the media and in some groups an air of negative business expectations. Their perception is that business prospects are poor and the outlook for the economy is bad. And the Real Estate industry has for some time now been coping with lower sales volume, revenue and recruits. This is said to be a reflection of an unwillingness to commit to new mortgages in an uncertain interest rate and employment environment.

Ours is not to ponder the causes but to create and implement strategies that mean we can still prosper in such a business environment.

For the negative, their expectations are preparing them for a drop in business. They accept it because it’s what they expect. Hardly a useful strategy!

In reality I am seeing a much different group emerging. They don’t accept or believe the negative viewpoint. Their perception is, that as others sit it out, that creates a whole lot of opportunities to go and convert their competitors clients and to recruit their best people. Their reality is that now is the best time to up the game.

They are doing that by:
Re-qualifying every prospect
Following up all past appraisals, bids, quotes and tenders.
Increasing the number of people they talk to on a daily/weekly basis
Talking to their favourite clients more often
Widening their prospecting base and increasing the frequency of contact
Managing more intensely what their people are doing and creating accountability programmes
Recruiting the good people who are currently working in organizations where leadership and energy are sorely lacking.

I have been busy over recent months helping people do just that. Where there is a clear focus on the above and other key tasks we find people not just maintaining revenue and sales, but actually growing as well If you catch yourself pondering the next move, searching for courage to decide on the next action, give me a call. I find I can help people sort through the clutter of ideas, clear the fog and focus on some key dollar productive tasks. The number of people taking up the option for coaching and mentoring is quite amazing. Whilst skill is still vital it seems that in these times the ability to maintain a clear focus and discipline is leading many to make themselves accountable to a coach or mentor.

Take time to consider how that might help you in coming months.



Salescoach Ltd
PO Box 9058
Ph: 64 9 524 0302
Fax: 64 9 524 0303
Mobile: 64 021 968 108

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Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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