Salescoach - With 25 years in the real estate industry, provides a range of specialist services to help you make more sales.



Over recent months I’ve had the chance to work with some really wonderful people who are making big differences to their businesses. Every now and then you meet someone who is really shining, a STAR! These are the people to model. These people seem to have strategies that work in any market, any industry. They can teach us so much if only we’ll take a minute to see the simple things they do that set them apart.

Stars always seem to be more productive, more effective and seem to just sail to the top.

And despite others protestations, luck has nothing to do with it.

Stars are just like us. They have a mixture of talent, ability and intelligence.

I guess it’s how the stars use all this that sets them apart. I’ve never seen a born star but I’ve seen them made. If you have the drive to make it happen you too can be a star.


Street smart
An expert at something
Always networking with other stars and experts
Always looking for people that will add value to their business
Always doing more than they’re asked to,
Using their initiative
Always getting more done and taking less time to do all things
Stretching beyond their job description
People who stick with an idea from start to finish
Focusing on Dollar productive tasks
Delegators of non-productive work
Found at work earlier than the herd
Always reviewing their day or week
People who do their homework
People who give first, rather than expecting first
Networking through contacts rather than cold calls
Full of energy

And that’s not all. Last month I came across a real estate office that sets high expectations and they are achieving them. Yes, their Sales Board needs a ladder!
Yes it’s on a 4 metre high wall and stretches all the way down from the ceiling, almost to the floor. When the sights are high the performance can be managed to match them. And they’re doing just that.

Several clients have been reporting record sales/profits lately as they take on the strategies of success that we have been coaching them in. Remember if you want to grow your career or business to the next level we are here to help.

The secret seems to be a balance of skill and activity. Remember when the market gets a little harder; it’s the activity that really counts. Increase the calls and people contact and search out the opportunities that exist. It’s not that there’s less business, it’s just that less people are doing it. So you’ve got to talk to more people to flush out the ones who are in the market.

Have a great September and perhaps we’ll get the chance to work together soon.



Salescoach Ltd
PO Box 9058
Ph: 64 9 524 0302
Fax: 64 9 524 0303
Mobile: 64 021 968 108

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Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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